Keratosis Pilaris

What is Keratosis Pilaris? Small red or skin-colored bumps on the back of the upper arms, outer thighs and sometimes on the face. Keratosis Pilaris is clogged hair follicles, hair follicles that are keratinized, have...

Strawberry legs

What are strawberry legs? These are the hair follicles, or enlarged pores, that contain a mixture of oil, hair, bacteria and dead skin. When the above is exposed to hair removal and air, especially fat...

Hyperpigmentation / Pigment spots

Welcome to your ultimate guide to hyperpigmentation—also known by various names like Freckles, Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH), Solar Lentigo, and Melasma. If you're looking for in-depth knowledge about treating dark spots and uneven skin tone, you've...


What are blackheads? No, it's not a live worm in your skin, and no, blackheads are not contagious. I know this article is long, but I promise you that by the time you're done, you'll...

Hands that crack

Dry hands that crack - why do they do it? There are two reasons why your hands may be exposed, one is eczema the other is water. With both, fissures can occur. Fissures are the...

Enlarged pores

What are enlarged pores? Enlarged pores are depressions in the skin surface of the face that contain one or more openings to the ducts that carry sweat and oil from their respective glands, e.g. the...

Eczema / Atopic eczema / Children's eczema

What is atopic disease? Atopic diseases are a collective term for eczema, allergy, asthma, hay fever and atopic eczema in general. The diseases are the most common chronic diseases in children. It is a hereditary...

Scar tissue

What is scar tissue and why do you get it? Scar tissue forms after damage to the skin as the skin regenerates. Scar tissue is divided into 5 types: Hypertrophic scars, keloid scars, atrophic scars,...


Why does the skin age? Why do I get wrinkles, why does my skin become loose, why is the skin no longer so uniform? Yes, we all get older, but we want to keep old...