Hyperpigmentation / Pigment spots

Hyperpigmentering / Pigmentpletter

Welcome to your ultimate guide to hyperpigmentation—also known by various names like Freckles, Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH), Solar Lentigo, and Melasma. If you're looking for in-depth knowledge about treating dark spots and uneven skin tone, you've come to the right place. This guide focuses primarily on the dark spots you will most often experience on your face and hands. We will not cover topics such as freckles (ephelides), vitiligo or birthmarks (nevus) in depth. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge you need to become your own expert in hyperpigmentation.

If this guide is not sufficient, I have also written an article on Hyper Pigmentation, you will find it here link

What are the dark spots on the skin?

Before we delve deeper into the topics of Freckles, Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH), Solar Lentigo and Melasma, let's first understand what determines skin color. The color of the skin is a result of melanin production in the melanocytes, which are located in the basal cell layer, where new skin cells are continuously formed. The primary role of the melanocytes is to create melanin, the pigment that colors the skin, as a protective mechanism against the harmful UV rays from the sun. To protect the skin layer, the melanocytes distribute melanin to the newly formed cells, darkening them and thus strengthening the skin's natural barrier against UV damage. This explains why people closer to the equator have darker skin, while those who live further away often have a lighter skin tone.

It is genetically determined how much melanin you form in your skin, i.e. how dark your skin color is. If you have no melanin production at all, you are white as snow; it is also called albino.
Sometimes what we professionally call hyperplasia happens. Hyperplasia means that there is an abnormal growth - here it is an abnormal growth of melanin, i.e. an abnormal growth of dark skin in a specific area. Some of these dark spots will go away on their own, unfortunately others will not. And in the last case, a dark spot has appeared on your skin. You have now got a liver spot, a pigment spot or a melasma, you decide for yourself what you want to call it.

Is hyperpigmentation genetically determined?
These dark spots are quite genetically determined, it turns out that over 75% of women whose family is prone to melasma are also themselves affected to a greater or lesser extent by pigment spots.

Do women get more hyperpigmentation than men?
Yes, actually 10 times more than men. And that is not the only difference, because it is also more widespread in women with dark skin type than women with light skin.

What are freckles?
No one is born with freckles, it is something that occurs when the skin gets sun. It is exactly the same as other pigment disorders, however these mostly come in small 1-2 mm. sizes in brown or red, come when the sun shines in summer and disappear again in winter. Children with fair skin type get more freckles than children with dark skin. Most people find that the freckles get smaller and smaller as they get older. Personally, all my own are gone, I'm a little sad because I think they are very cheeky and nice. With a line, I would even make even more, and I know you play with that a lot in the modeling world.

Do you get freckles when it rains, do you get more when it snows?
No, you don't get freckles when it rains, or more when it snows. Since it's the sun's fault, times of rain and snow are exactly where your freckles disappear.

If you have permanent freckles, you should pay extra attention. They are not dangerous in themselves, but an expression that the skin has had more sun throughout its life than it can tolerate. Therefore, you should be extra careful about spending a lot of time in the sun.

What are liver spots?

Solar Lentigo, often mistakenly referred to as 'liver spots,' are sun-damaged pigment spots that do not disappear with the seasons. Despite the name, they have nothing to do with liver function. They are indicators of accumulated UV damage and fall under the same category as Melasma, which this article primarily focuses on. If you have Solar Lentigo, you should pay special attention to your skin care routine and integrate additional care measures.

Read any my article on the subject right here

What are the white spots on the skin?

Vitiligo represents a form of Hypopigmentation which is the opposite of Hyperpigmentation or Melasma. In the case of Vitiligo, the melanocytes in the skin do not produce any melanin, resulting in white patches. This condition is an autoimmune disease and occurs globally among both women and men. About 30% of cases are due to genetic factors. Unlike Hyperpigmentation, there is no effective treatment for Vitiligo in the form of chemical peels, lasers or creams. Therefore, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before trying so-called miracle cures, in order to save time and money. The only solution available to mask the condition is the use of cosmetic products such as tanning creams that can hide the white areas.

You can try my Sd which has just been put together so that it does not shield and can therefore be used locally. See more about Sd Sun drops, via this link

Why do the dark spots appear in the skin?
When the skin is exposed to intense sunlight, it can lead to a condition called Hyperplasia, which is the medical term for overproduction of melanin in specific areas. This results in abnormally dark skin or Hyperpigmentation in the affected area. Some of these pigmented areas may fade naturally over time, while others, unfortunately, remain visible. In such cases, you have developed what is commonly known as a Liver Spot or Melasma. This condition can be challenging to treat and it is important to take measures to prevent further damage. But that is probably why you are reading this guide.

Why do you get hyperpigmentation or melasma during pregnancy?
Melasma, also known as Pregnancy Mask or Chloasma, is a condition that often occurs during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters. This is due to increased hormone levels that stimulate the melanocytes to produce more melanin, leading to hyperpigmentation in the skin. Although many cases of pregnancy-related melasma resolve naturally after delivery, avoiding direct sunlight is crucial to minimize the risk. Treatment to reduce hyperpigmentation can also be initiated, even during pregnancy.

Do birth control pills cause pigment spots and melasma?
Changes in hormone levels can be a significant factor in the development of hyperpigmentation. This is especially seen in connection with pregnancy, where the condition is often referred to as chloasma or pregnancy mask. Just as hormonal changes during pregnancy can trigger hyperpigmentation, the use of birth control pills can also trigger this skin condition. Birth control pills typically contain hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which can stimulate the melanocytes to produce more melanin. The result can be pigment spots, which in many cases will disappear after the treatment is stopped or when switching to another type of birth control pill. If you experience this type of pigment disorder, you can safely begin treatment with Raz Skincare products and it is advisable to minimize exposure to direct sunlight.

Why do I get pigmentation spots after acne?

Post-acne pigmentation, technically known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, is often the result of the skin's natural healing process. It is not the acne itself, but rather the inflammation and swelling that occurs in connection with acne that can leave dark spots on the skin. As the skin begins to heal, the body's defense mechanisms, including immune response and melanin production, may be activated, leading to a temporary darkening of the skin in the affected area.

While some cases of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation will naturally subside, others may require specialized treatment to promote skin regeneration and reduce dark spots. To this end, Raz Skincare offers a number of effective solutions. A good start will be Raz Skincare Rich during the day, as it is important to protect the skin from further sun damage by using sun protection, as UV radiation can worsen the condition.

Can medication cause pigment spots?
Yes, certain medications can potentially cause hyperpigmentation or so-called “liver spots,” which are technically sun damage and not related to liver function. Medically induced hyperpigmentation is often the result of an interaction between the drug and the skin, which can stimulate the melanocytes to produce more melanin. It is particularly common in connection with long-term medication.

Some of the drug classes known to cause hyperpigmentation include certain antibiotics, antimalarial drugs, and chemotherapy agents. Hormonal preparations such as birth control pills can also affect pigmentation, as we have previously described in connection with hormonal changes and pregnancy.

If you experience unexpected skin changes during medical treatment, it is important to consult your doctor. At the same time, Raz Skincare can offer targeted products and solutions to help manage the symptoms and promote healthier and more even skin.

How to remove pigment spots?

I have made a guide on how to remove pigment spots. I hope you will read my entire guide so that you also gain an understanding of what can be treated and what cannot.

Are pigment spots dangerous?

Although pigment spots are generally not dangerous, it is important to be aware of any changes. This applies regardless of whether they are light hypopigmentation spots as in vitiligo, or dark hyperpigmentation spots. If you notice that a spot is growing in size, consult a doctor. The same applies if the area around the spot becomes tender or if the skin under the spot swells.

Although these symptoms do not necessarily indicate anything serious, it is important to rule out both benign and malignant cell changes. It is always a good idea to keep an eye on your skin and seek medical advice if you experience any of the above symptoms.

What should you absolutely avoid with pigment spots?
Sunlight, sun rays and UV light will worsen your injuries. It's actually the only thing you should avoid.

Treatment of hyperpigmentation/pigment spots - you must use these products

I recommend you start your treatment with a skin analysis. This will help me put together the right treatment for you. Your skin analysis costs a deposit, but you get products worth all the money when we're done. Read more under skin analysis.

To achieve a more uniform skin tone and address challenges such as hyperpigmentation, it is crucial to combine several effective treatment methods. We focus on skin peeling to promote the formation of new skin cells, while also supplying the skin with essential building blocks in the form of peptides, moisture and stimulating ingredients. It is important to understand that pigment disorders such as hyperpigmentation and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation often lie deep in the skin, requiring patient and consistent treatment. Remember, your skin regenerates according to your unique DNA, and in your DNA there are no signs of hyperpigmentation or other pigment spots. If you arm yourself with patience and follow our guidance, the chances are good that you will see significant improvements in your skin tone.

Morning routine – sequence and use

1. Mild cleaning

When treating hyperpigmentation, it is essential to choose a cleanser that is as mild as possible to avoid unnecessary skin irritation. You can consider using my "Powder to Mousse" cleanser, which not only cleans, but also supplies the skin with important vitamins and minerals that strengthen the skin's regeneration process. This product is not included in the treatment package as you may already have a similar product in your skincare routine.

2. Raz Skincare Vitamin C

This serum is carefully formulated to tackle two key challenges associated with hyperpigmentation: it inhibits the melanocytes from overproducing melanin and actively works to lighten existing pigment spots. Added vitamin C boosts the skin's natural glow, which minimizes the visibility of any existing pigment disorders.

Read more about the individual effects under the product.

3. Rich Face Cream

For the most effective treatment of hyperpigmentation, it is essential to choose a day cream rich in nutrition and with a high sun protection factor (SPF). This type of cream supplies the skin with the necessary elements for regeneration, while at the same time it protects against the worsening of existing pigment problems. Since the sun's UV rays are a primary cause of hyperpigmentation, sun protection is essential. That's why my Raz Skincare Face Cream Rich, which has a high content of SPF for optimal sun protection and skin regeneration, is included in this package.

Evening routine – sequence and use

1. Mild cleaning

When treating hyperpigmentation, it is essential to choose a cleanser that is as mild as possible to avoid unnecessary skin irritation. You can consider using my "Powder to Mousse" cleanser, which not only cleans, but also supplies the skin with important vitamins and minerals that strengthen the skin's regeneration process. This product is not included in the treatment package as you may already have a similar product in your skincare routine.

2. Raz Skincare Vitamin C
This serum is carefully formulated to tackle two key challenges associated with hyperpigmentation: it inhibits the melanocytes from overproducing melanin and actively works to lighten existing pigment spots. Added vitamin C boosts the skin's natural glow, which minimizes the visibility of any existing pigment disorders.

Read more about the individual effects under the product.

3. Raz Skincare A Retinoid
A-retinoid is formulated with Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate, a revolutionary mild retinoid, this serum works effectively to speed up the skin's natural cell renewal process. The result is a faster replacement of the pigmented skin cells, which means a more uniform and radiant skin tone. This makes A retinoid a must-have in your skin care routine when you want to tackle hyperpigmentation and achieve a clearer, more youthful complexion.

4. Night cream
Remember a good night cream. I even sleep with mine Raz Skincare Repair, but you can easily use another.

This is not a miracle cure, it takes time and you must arm yourself with patience. Remember to protect yourself from the sun's rays.

Other treatment

Raz Skincare CP
Raz Skincare's Cp Chemical Peeling is an indispensable tool in the fight against hyperpigmentation. Formulated with an effective blend of acids such as AHA, BHA, SA, PHA and TXA, this peel offers a targeted approach to treating HP. It also contains anti-inflammatory ingredients and antioxidants that work in synergy to provide a complete skincare experience. For the best results, it is recommended to use this chemical peel 1-3 times a week, depending on the condition of your skin. With regular use, you can expect a noticeable reduction in hyperpigmentation and a more even skin tone.

When will I see improvements in my hyperpigmentation/pigment spots?

Improvements in hyperpigmentation vary from person to person and depend on several factors, including skin type, the severity of pigmentation disorders, and the overall health of the skin. However, most people will typically begin to see positive changes within 4-8 weeks when following a consistent treatment plan with products such as Raz Skincare's Cp Chemical Peel, A-Retinoid, and our Vitamin C Serum. Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant properties and ability to give the skin a glow, which can further improve the appearance of the skin and contribute to a more even skin tone. It is important to note that patience is necessary as the skin needs time to repair and regenerate itself. For best results, it is also recommended to use these products in conjunction with a high SPF day cream to protect against further sun damage which can worsen hyperpigmentation.

I have collected the products you just have to have in one package, and given you a good price.

This is not a miracle cure, it takes time and you must arm yourself with patience.
Remember to protect yourself from the sun's rays.

In severe cases - always see a doctor.

Hug Raz

If you want to read more, or see where I get my knowledge from, here are some of the articles that I believe are the most knowledgeable parts.

Chemical and Instrumental Approaches to Treat Hyperpigmentation
Plants and Natural Products for the Treatment of Skin Hyperpigmentation
Inhibitory Effects of Resveratrol on Melanin Synthesis
Gain-of-Function Mutation of KIT Ligand on Melanin Synthesis Causes Familial Progressive Hyperpigmentation
Skin hyperpigmentation index: a new practical method for unbiased automated quantification of skin hyperpigmentation