Keratosis Pilaris

What is Keratosis Pilaris?
Small red or skin-colored bumps on the back of the upper arms, outer thighs and sometimes on the face.
What does Keratosis Pilaris mean?
The Latin name is very appropriate. Keratosis refers to the protein keratin (which strengthens and forms hair, skin and nails), while "pilaris" refers to involvement of the hair follicles. Keratosis is often abbreviated to KP.
Where on the body do you get Keratosis Pilaris?
Keratosis pilaris can appear anywhere on the body where there are hair follicles, but in 99% of cases it is on the upper arms and or thighs. Sometimes keratosis pilais can also appear on the face, but then we have probably also covered the areas where they appear most often.
Why do I get Keratosis Pilaris?
There can be several reasons why you get the lumpy rash keratosis pilaris. In part, the skin changes are hereditary, so if your mother or father has been bothered by it, there is a risk that you will also get it. Similarly, you may be more likely to get keratosis pilaris if your parents or grandparents have keratosis pilaris.
In addition, there is a strong connection between atopic eczema and ichthyosis, better known as fish scale skin. If you have one of the two disorders, it may be the reason why you also get the red rash on your upper arms, hips, thighs or face.
The red rash is also often associated with dry skin – or in a combination between dry skin and intolerance to certain foods. The connection between dry skin and keratosis pilaris also causes the skin changes to flare up and worsen in a climate that is dry and cold. It is therefore often in winter that the buds are most pronounced.
What are the symptoms of Keratosis Pilaris? What are the most common symptoms of keratosis pilaris?
The main feature of keratosis pilaris that you will notice is clusters of small, rough, sometimes discolored bumps on your skin. Most people will notice the appearance of the bumps but have no symptoms related to them. If you experience symptoms of keratosis pilaris, they may include:
Itchy or dry skin, especially on the back of your upper arms, legs, or buttocks. Irritation of the bumps causing them to become more red and noticeable. This is known as frictional lichenoid dermatitis. Rough, sandpaper-like skin where the bumps appear. Worsening of the bumps when the air is dry (eg in the winter months).
Some of these symptoms – like itchy, dry skin – can be caused by other conditions. You may have similar symptoms related to eczema, psoriasis, allergies or fungal infections. If you are concerned about your symptoms or if they linger, it is a good idea to contact your healthcare provider.
How common is Keratosis Pilaris?
Keratosis pilaris affects almost 50-80% of all young people and approx. 40% of adults. It is often noted in otherwise asymptomatic patients who visit dermatologists for other conditions. Most people with keratosis pilaris are unaware that the condition has a medical term or that it can be treated
Who gets Keratosis Pilaris?
Keratosis pilaris is typically more common in younger people, and it often gets worse around puberty. Babies and teenagers are especially prone to developing this condition.
Keratosis pilaris is linked to certain genetic traits, which may make you more likely to develop it in your lifetime. You may be more likely to experience keratosis pilaris if you have:
Very fair skin. Certain skin conditions such as eczema or ichthyosis vulgaris (a genetic condition where your dead skin cells look like fish scales). Asthma (a chronic disease that causes breathing problems from inflamed airways).A higher body weight (obese).
But you can also easily get KP without fitting into one of the above boxes.
Is Keratosis Pilaris a disease?
Keratosis pilaris has no inflammation and is not a disease. The bumps you see when you have keratosis pilaris are actually collections of dead skin cells. These bumps are sometimes mistaken for clusters of small pimples.
Keratosis pilaris bumps occur when dead skin cells clog (block) your pores instead of sloughing off. Your pores are openings in your skin where hair comes through the skin (hair follicles).
We do not yet know why some people are affected by keratosis pilaris while others are not. There may be a genetic factor – meaning your genes may affect your chances of developing this condition.
If you have a skin condition such as eczema, you are more likely to get keratosis pilaris. Eczema is a common chronic skin condition that causes your skin to have red, itchy patches that come and go over time. Read any my friendly guide on Atopic skin.
Is Keratosis Pilaris Hereditary?
Yes, Keratosis Pilaris is hereditary, so if your parents have had or still have Keratosis Pilaris you may be more predisposed than others to get it. So it is not certain that you will get it.
Keratosis Pilaris and gluten.
There is no scientific evidence to avoid gluten.
Just eat some bread. There is no scientific evidence that gluten can give you or increase your Keratosis Pilaris. I know there are articles that say the opposite, but there are also people who still believe that the earth is flat, or that you can whiten dark circles under the eyes.
Just because someone claims it doesn't make it true. May we ask for the scientific documentation.
What should I avoid when I have Keratosis Pilaris?
Avoid drying out your skin too much. This is really the only scientific evidence we have.
Is there a cure for Keratosis Pilaris?
Yes, there is a cure for keratosis pilaris and the one I put together I call the Raz Skincare Keratosis Pilaris cure.
It turns out, through several experiments, that keratosis pilaris can be greatly reduced. I have of course made a package for you that contains everything you need.
Gentle peeling will be able to remove some of the dead skin cells. Supply of salicylic acid and minerals and especially A-retinoid which can soften the blockages. Last but not least, the area must be kept moist and elastic.
There is no miracle cure, so you have to arm yourself with patience.
Treatment of Keratosis Pilaris – you must use these products
Once daily Raz Skincare Body Wash
Wash thoroughly with a washcloth with Raz Skincare Body Wash all affected areas, let sit for 2-3 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
2 times daily Raz Skincare Body Lotion
After showering and again later in the day, you should apply Raz Skincare Body Lotion, you may work it into the skin around the affected areas.
Other treatment
Raz Skincare Cp – Chemical Peel
1-3 times a week you should peel the affected areas with a chemical peel. Follow the instructions on the product. Once your Keratosis Pilaris is cured, you may no longer need this product.
When will I see improvements in my Keratosis Pilaris?
Some will experience amazing results in a few weeks. Others take several months. The most important thing is that you do not stop treating both morning and evening. In 90% of all cases it will be much nicer if you simply follow the regimen. So between 1-3 months. is probably fairest to say. Most important is patience.
I recommend that you continue with the Raz Skincare Wash and Lotion, just after bathing even after your KP is combated.
In severe cases - always see a doctor
Hug Raz
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