Stretch marks

What are stretch marks?
Striae cutis atrophicae or striae cutis distensae (from Latin Striae = to stretch, cutis = skin, atrophicae = atrophic, distensae = stretched). Stretch marks are also called Striae gravidarum.
Stretch marks occur in the dermis – the elastic middle layer that helps the skin maintain its shape. No stretch marks will be able to form as long as the skin is supported by the dermis. Stretching of the skin plays a bigger role – in terms of where the stretch marks appear than in which direction they run. Stretching alone is not the cause of stretch marks. Stretch marks can form anywhere on the body. But the areas where you see the attack the most are of course where stretches of the skin most often occur, either due to obesity, rapid growth during puberty, bodybuilding or pregnancy.
The real cause of stretch marks is that the skin does not have time to form enough collagen and elastane fibers to keep up with the rapidly growing mass under the skin. The connective tissue in the leather skin cannot therefore keep up when the skin is stretched and results in the leather skin cracking, and thereby a stretch mark is formed.
What do stretch marks look like?
Stretch marks appear as reddish or purple lines in the skin. Most pregnant women who experience stretch marks find that they fade to a lighter color after giving birth.
When do you get stretch marks? Up to 75% of all women develop stretch marks to some extent during pregnancy (Striae gravidarum). The increasing hormonal levels due to pregnancy mean that stretch marks can usually appear in the 6th or 7th month of pregnancy, which is when the skin is stretched the most.
Why do you get stretch marks on your thighs/back? It is the same as what you experience during pregnancy if you grow faster than the skin can keep up with. Either during your growing age or during a drastic increase in weight, both during strength training and when overweight.
So they are partly due to physical factors such as stretching of the skin and partly due to hormonal factors, where steroids from the adrenal glands, estrogen and relaxin affect the elastic fibers of the skin. Therefore, they are often seen in young people.
When do stretch marks turn white?
New stretch marks lighten over time, often they can almost disappear within 6 months of their formation.
How to get rid of stretch marks?
Can stretch marks be removed? There is no treatment that has been proven to remove stretch marks once they have appeared. NONE! It is you, my many followers, who say that you have almost removed your stretch marks with a mixture of Raz Skincare Repair and Raz Skincare vitamin E that you apply, both when they have just arrived and subsequently for up to 6 months after giving birth .
How to avoid stretch marks?
Physical activity and training counteract excess weight and contribute to tightening the skin. Regular exercise and training may make stretch marks less visible.
How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy? The best thing to do is to avoid excess weight before pregnancy and try to avoid large weight gain during pregnancy. There is no treatment during pregnancy that has been proven to be effective.
Numerous creams, balms, oils such as Raz Skincare vitamin E and Repair are used in an attempt to prevent stretch marks. However, studies have not been able to demonstrate a 100% safe effect of these treatments on stretch marks.
Can you tattoo on stretch marks?
Yes you can, it's called a cosmetic tattoo. Cosmetic tattoos are used to camouflage damaged skin that has lost its natural pigment. Such tattoos can be made on top of scars and stretch marks, but also the visibility of stretch marks, varicose veins and larger burn marks can be reduced by a cosmetic tattoo.
Are stretch marks hereditary? The tendency to develop stretch marks is hereditary, so you have a greater tendency to develop stretch marks if your mother e.g. also has stretch marks
Treatment of stretch marks - you must use these products
If you get stretch marks - they are here to stay. There are no proven creams that heal stretch marks. Certain laser treatments have been shown to be effective. But they are very expensive and there is no security. There is currently no documented treatment for stretch marks that removes them.
Still, you, the users of my products, write again and again that you mix Repair and vitamin E together, and massage it on your stretch marks morning and evening - and you allegedly get the wildest results. It makes sense if the stretch marks are new, but on the other hand, new stretch marks will always become less visible over time.
Finally, keep up the good work with vitamin E and Repair.
When will I see improvements in my stretch marks?
If your stretch marks are brand new, you will see improvements within 6 months. You should keep the entire area out of the sun for the first year, this also makes the stretch marks less visible.
I have collected the products that you tell me you use at a good price.
Hug Raz