
What is psoriasis?
You know psoriasis by the red, thickened, raised, scaly, defined outbreaks of spots on larger or smaller parts of the body's skin. Many people experience that the skin becomes dry, red, itchy and stings. Later, the skin often cracks and there is direct pain and open wounds are often included. Psoriasis can have a different shape and structure, depending on the type of psoriasis. More on this later.
Why do you get psoriasis?
The actual cause of psoriasis is unknown, but the skin disease psoriasis has been researched since the dawn of medical science. Therefore, a great deal is known about the disease mechanisms underlying psoriasis outbreaks. There is much evidence that it is an autoimmune disease in which the white blood cells contribute to the development of psoriasis. The white blood cells are actually part of the body's immune system, but during psoriasis outbreaks they contribute to the skin cells dividing more than is good. The activation of psoriasis can be initiated by small injuries to the skin. A small tear with a little infection often causes patients with psoriasis to break out. But medicines, diet, stress and much else can also initiate an attack.
Where do you get psoriasis?
Anywhere you have skin, you can be affected by psoriasis. Some only get a small red mark, while others get such violent outbreaks and cover such large parts of the body that they have to undergo intensive treatment and sometimes be hospitalized so that the treatment can be carried out around the clock. But don't be afraid, this is only in very rare cases.
Commonly, psoriasis appears on the elbows, knees, nails, face, scalp, balls and palms. Often psoriasis appears again and again in the same places, just as if the skin is already damaged, it can cause psoriasis to flourish. The latter is called the Köbner effect, named after the German-Jewish dermatologist Heinrich Köbner, who studied psoriasis in the mid-1800s. It is also in the middle of the 1800s that psoriatic arthritis is first discovered, but the actual clinical term for this disorder only occurs in the 1960s. In this psoriasis guide, I will not go into psoriatic arthritis, but stick to the skin.
What does psoriasis look like?
During a proriasis attack, the skin will be affected by inflammation, it will become red, swollen and warm. And the white skin cells will cause the individual skin cell to divide and develop in just 3 days as opposed to the usual 28 days which is the usual
When you form all these new skin cells, there are far too many and this is the reason why the skin flakes and that the psoriasis patient can almost peel it off in flakes. If you look at a skin with psoriasis you will see that the skin is full of inflamed skin cells and all the small blood vessels are dilated.
What types of psoriasis are there?
There are several types of psoriasis, and if you are affected by one type, many find that another one often develops.
The individual names are: Plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris), Dropsy psoriasis, Inverse psoriasis, Nail psoriasis, Pustular psoriasis, Scalp psoriasis and Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP). There is a form of arthritis that sometimes accompanies patients with psoriasis, it is called psoriatic arthritis, and I will not go into it in this psoriasis guide. I will only write about psoriasis on the skin.
The psoriasis most people suffer from is called in Latin: plaque psoriasis or psoriasis vulgaris. Vulgaris means common. Just like Acne Vulgaris, which means common pimples. 80% of all people with psoriasis have this common psoriasis. It appears as a small red spot that grows and takes on a scaly surface. More and more are likely to form, but you can easily settle for just one. This type of psoriasis usually appears as 3-12 cm. round spots. They often occur symmetrically, so if one occurs on one knee or elbow, there is often one on the other. Psoriasis vulgaris often causes a warm and burning sensation in the skin.
Plaque psoriasis or psoriasis vulgaris most often occurs on the knees, elbows, shins, knuckles, back, palms, soles of the feet, genitals and scalp/eyebrows. There are really good treatment options and I have collected one Raz Skincare Psoriasis Package further down.
What is guttate psoriasis? What is guttate psoriasis?
Guttapsoriasis, or guttapsoriasis as it is also called, are typically small round attacks, but since a large outbreak often develops, the droplets can flow together when the outbreak of guttapsoriasis is greatest. It is often the first type of psoriasis you are attacked by, and it often comes together with a sore throat or similar infection in the respiratory tract. They can, as written before, grow to coin size and flow together. Dropsy psoriasis is fairly easy to treat and I have made an easy one Raz Skincare Psoriasis Package at the end of my tutorial.
What is inverse psoriasis?
The term inverse psoriasis is used for a psoriatic rash that is localized to skin folds, especially in the armpits, in the navel, in the crotch, under the breasts, between the balls or, if you are overweight, it can be between folds on the stomach. The skin has a red and shiny sheen with little or no scaling. Inverse psoriasis can easily be confused with a fungal infection, partly because there is also itching in connection with the outbreak. Inverse psoriasis is easy to treat and I have made one Raz Skincare psoriasis package which should cover you.
What is nail psoriasis?
Nail psoriasis typically appears as a "thimble spot" in the nail, and preferably several. It got its name from how the nails look on a tailor who doesn't use a thimble and could therefore repeatedly stick a needle into the nail, and it looks like that too. It is a fairly common type of psoriasis. Often the nail will become thick and uneven. In some cases, the nail may fall off. With nail psoriasis, you can help with plenty of minerals and vitamins and fatty ointment, it's fairly easy to stop an outbreak so it doesn't get worse, but of course the nail has to grow out before the nail is completely nice again. I call the treatment Raz Skincare Psoriasis Package.
What is Scalp Psoriasis?
The scalp is very often where psoriasis appears. It is also common for mild psoriasis to only appear on the scalp. Everyone with psoriasis has experienced scalp psoriasis. What few people know is that it is quite often the dry skin behind the ears that is the first sign of psoriasis. There need not be more outbreaks than this, and you may only experience it once or twice in your life.
It is really rare that it causes hair loss, the most annoying thing is that dandruff gets stuck in the hair and can be a cosmetic irritation for the patient with scalp psoriasis or scalp psoriasis. Fortunately, it is fairly easy to take care of, and I have made a guide specifically around this problem. You will find it here.
What is pustular psoriasis? What is generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP)?
Pustular psoriasis is among the rarer cases of psoriasis. Pustulous means that there is a rash with pus. Pustular psoriasis follows a different inflammatory pattern. The skin will most often be covered with lots of bumps containing white pus. If pustular psoriasis spreads to the whole body, it is called universal pustular psoriasis, which often causes fever and coatings on the mucous membranes. Consult a doctor if you have the slightest doubt.
What helps against psoriasis?
Minerals, minerals and lots of fat salve. We have plenty of documentation that people with psoriasis get fantastically beautiful skin after a holiday where you bathe in the Dead Sea again and again. Or mud wraps from mineral lakes, which contain almost the same vitamins and minerals.
Now not everyone is surprised to be able to lie down and get mud wraps every other day, or to live by a lake or sea with extra mineral water. In the old days, the residual liquor after boiling seawater was used. The residual layer has an even higher content of minerals than the Dead Sea, and is the main ingredient in Raz Skincare Ai.
As the skin must be kept elastic, it is a really good idea to apply a greasy ointment after your mineral bath. This ensures that the skin does not crack and get sores. I use my Raz Skincare Repair, but much more about that in my actual Raz Skincare Psoriasis Package.
Should I use psoriasis cream?
Yes, lots of cream, either one you get from your doctor or the fattest ointment, preferably without water. Then you keep the skin flexible so that your psoriasis does not get stuck in the clothes or crack and become sores.
What triggers or worsens psoriasis? What are psoriasis triggers?
If your immune system is at its peak, your body can often keep psoriasis down, therefore it is especially things that reduce the immune system that are also triggers for an outbreak to start or become more widespread than otherwise. Triggers are of course stress, illness, poor diet, medication or physical wear and tear on the skin. But smoking, alcohol and sugar also appear as triggers. But the easiest thing is to test on yourself. Try 14 days without sugar and see if it helps you, you can do the same with the other triggers.
Can you eat healthy for psoriasis?
There is no clinical evidence that psoriasis can be reduced with diet. However, many find that if they cut back on oily fish, eat a healthy diet and maintain a normal weight, psoriasis outbreaks can be alleviated. In addition, a normal healthy diet can help maintain a normal weight and thereby a less pronounced psoriasis.
Can you get psoriasis from being overweight?
No, you do not get psoriasis from being overweight, but studies show that you are more predisposed if you are overweight and that outbreaks are significantly worsened by obesity.
How to treat scalp psoriasis?
I have written a whole guide about that - you can read it here.
Is psoriasis hereditary?
Yes, psoriasis is hereditary and there is a 40-50% risk of a child getting the disease if both parents have psoriasis. The risk is somewhat lower if only one parent or grandparent has psoriasis.
Is psoriasis contagious?
Psoriasis is not contagious.
Treatment of psoriasis - you must use these products and I have also written additional products for you who want more than just the package.
Morning routine – sequence and use
1. Raz Skincare Cleansing Mask
All cleansing must be done with Raz Skincare Cleansing Mask, only as a cleanser, not as a mask. This is to add as many minerals as possible to your skin already during cleansing. When your psoriasis is not breaking out, you can put a little Ai in your cleanser, then you boost it and can keep the psoriasis away.
2. Raz Skincare AI
Dab on and let dry. Yes, it stings as long as the skin is open, but it's like swimming in the Dead Sea. When your psoriasis is not in an outbreak, you can also boost the skin with extra minerals by adding a cap of Ai to your Raz Skincare Smoothing Body Lotion or similar smoothing lotion.
3. Raz Skincare Hh
Possibly. Raz Skincare Huh – this is a pure humectant which will keep the skin supple and moist and therefore reduce the skin from cracking. It is not included in the package, as it is not always needed.
4. Raz Skincare Repair (if it's the face I would recommend Raz Skincare Face Cream Rich)
Raz Skincare Repair is still the most effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Can be mixed with 3 drops for large outbreaks that can cause scar tissue Vitamin E in the palm of your hand and put on. Vitamin E is not included in this package.
If your psoriasis is on the face, I would choose between my Raz Skincare Face Cream Rich or Calm down. Rich if you don't have the redness but just need plenty of moisture and fat. Calm if you have redness before or after breakouts. It will cancel out some of the red color so your skin appears more even in color.
Evening routine – sequence and use
1. Raz Skincare Cleansing Mask
Exactly the same as in the morning and it also removes any makeup, then use nothing else to wash your skin.
2. Raz Skincare AI
Dab on and let dry just like in the morning.
3. Raz Skincare Hh
Possibly. Raz Skincare Hh – this is a pure humectant which will keep the skin supple and moist, and therefore reduce cracking. Not everyone needs this, so it is not included in the package with the most necessary products.
4. Raz Skincare Repair (if it's the face I would recommend Raz Skincare Face Cream Rich)
Raz Skincare Repair is still the most effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Can be mixed with 3 drops for large outbreaks that can cause scar tissue Vitamin E in the palm of the hand and put on. Vitamin E is not included in this package.
Other treatment
I recommend that you take a long bath once a week, and then gently exfoliate the skin to remove the dead skin cells.
If your psoriasis is on the body, I recommend my Raz Skincare Lavender Scrub as it prevents inflammation. If your psoriasis is on your face, I recommend my Raz Skincare Coffee Face Peel.
Dietary supplements that can help against psoriasis
A good dose of omega oil. It has been shown to be beneficial to consume a lot of fatty fish and finally boost with extra omega in your dietary supplement.
Vitamin C for your immune system is also good and not least a regular multivitamin.
I have collected the products you just have to have in one package, and given you a good price.
In severe cases - always see a doctor
Hug Raz.
If you want to read more, or see where I get my knowledge from, here are some of the articles that I believe are the most knowledgeable parts.
Psoriasis Pathogenesis and Treatment
Genome-wide Comparative Analysis of Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis
Immunopathogenic mechanisms in psoriasis
Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Patients With Psoriasis
Psoriasis assessment tools in clinical trials