Dark circles under the eyes

What are dark circles under the eyes?
Periorbital, or more Danish, very thin skin around the eyes. So thin that you can close your eyes and still see whether it is day or night. It's not just the eyelids that are thin, it's the skin under the eyes as well, and therefore you can see the blood that runs finely under the skin. Due to the composition of the skin and the walls of the veins, this is seen as a dark color. So it's neither dangerous nor wrong, it's just your veins.
Why do you get dark circles under your eyes?
It is the skin that is so thin and fine that you can see the blood vessels under the skin.
Since we do not like to remove the blood vessels, there is not much we can do, and yet.
The more fat and moisture we bind to the skin, the less visible they are.
A really good idea is to apply a lot of moisturizer after cleaning.
Dark circles under the eyes and stress?
Yes, stress and dark circles can go together very well. If the body is under stress, everything will be ready to fight diseases etc. You probably don't sleep so well at night either and your diet may not be optimal either.
Of course, all this goes beyond your skin, and therefore it can also give you dark circles under the eyes.
Are dark circles under the eyes due to lack of sleep?
Lack of sleep and dark circles go very well together. If we don't get enough rest, not enough liquid will be able to penetrate the skin and the dark circles will be significantly more obvious.
Are dark circles under the eyes due to iron deficiency?
Iron deficiency and dark circles under the eyes have nothing to do with each other. It's unfortunately a myth, otherwise everyone with dark circles would have just eaten a more iron-rich diet.
Are dark circles under the eyes due to disease?
Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by illness. When we are sick, the body will do everything to get rid of the disease, this causes the skin to become thinner, lose its glow and then the dark circles will easily be visible. But from there to say that everyone with dark circles under the eyes is sick, that is wrong.
How do I whiten dark circles under my eyes?
Dark circles under the eyes are because you can see your blood vessels, so it should be the blood you had to whiten. You can't do that and those who say otherwise are lying.
Can everyone get rid of dark circles under their eyes?
No - there are some where it is congenital, or where the skin is so thin that we cannot help with either Restylane or Hyaluron.
How to remove dark circles under the eyes?
Water can remove dark circles under the eyes. The first thing is to drink enough water. Yes, you read that right, we have to try to make your skin thicker and the easiest thing is to increase the fluid balance. Drink plenty of water.
The next thing is that we can try to turn back time and increase the collagen level in the skin. it can be done with A-retinoid and lots of Hyaluron and peptides.
Can Restylane remove dark circles under the eyes?
As Restylane is a filler used cosmetically to make lips larger or fill out large wrinkles, Restylane will also be able to thicken the skin under your eyes. It will definitely remove the dark circles for a while until the Restylan is absorbed by your body.
You should know that the skin has a lot of blood vessels under your eyes, so you can end up with a huge blue eye in the weeks after a treatment. This will of course disappear again.
Should I use cream against dark circles under the eyes?
Which cream removes dark circles under the eyes? This is done by the cream that thickens the skin. So there are different means you can use to increase the thickness of the skin and in this way get rid of the color. I always choose lots of A-retinoid, to form new skin, lots of Hyaluron to increase moisture in the skin and lots of peptides, so there are plenty of building blocks for thicker skin.
Should I choose laser treatment for dark circles under the eyes?
No - you can see your veins, you can and should never try to remove them.
Can I cover dark circles under my eyes with makeup?
It is easy to cover dark circles under the eyes with makeup. If you even use a day cream with SpectraFlex and green color pigment, it will help even more. Try to watch Raz Skincare Face Cream Calm.
Treatment of dark circles under the eyes - you must use these products
I recommend you start your treatment with a skin analysis. This will help me put together the right treatment for you. Your skin analysis costs a deposit, but you get products worth all the money when we're done. Read more below skin analysis.
Morning routine – sequence and use
1. Huh
Gently dab or smear on. Feel free to get very close to the eyes. Hh increases the thickness of your skin, and it also contains peptides, which are the building blocks of your new and improved skin.
2. Calm Face Cream
Apply after Hh - you just need a thin layer. Calm Face Cream contains various filters which balance out the dark color under your eyes.
Evening routine – sequence and use
1. Huh
Gently dab or smear on. Feel free to get very close to the eyes.
2. A-Retinoid
After Hh, A-retionide is applied to increase the production of new skin and the collagen level.
3. Repair Ointment
Lubricate with Repair Salve. Your skin loses up to 30% more moisture at night than it does during the day, so it's important to give it a moisture boost overnight!
When will I see improvement in my dark circles under the eyes?
The more fat and moisture we bind to the skin, the less visible the dark circles under the eyes become. A really good idea is to apply a lot of moisturizer after cleaning.
Food supplements that can help with dark circles under the eyes
Dietary supplements such as All Omega and starting the day with half a liter of water are also a good idea.
I have collected the products you just have to have in one package, and given you a good price.
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In severe cases - always see a doctor.
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